Sunday, July 20, 2008

♥LoVe of a FriEnD - KaRma♥

I really got stressed within this week. There were too many arguments and misunderstanding which bothers me a lot. All of those were because of me. It was my fault why there is a conflict between my best friend and his friends. They were blaming each other. I've tried to explain but it just made the situation worst. It really feels bad whenever I would see my best friend very sad because of that. Why should he suffer from things that I did??? It was all because of me. His friends were all angry to him, even almost the whole class. I feel pity for him. Let's admit it, yes he did something wrong, but his over it. I was the one who told the class about it. I was the one who gave the 3 names. He didn't mention anyone form the group, I did.

Another thing that bothers me a lot, is my friends. Sometimes, I feel that they were hiding something form me. They were thinking if they will tell it to me, I'll got hurt and got angry. My point is, if there is something wrong about me, or about something else that involves me tell it to me.

I'm looking forward for the good of the section. It seems every step I do, every move that I do, it will just make the situation worst. I really don't know what is the right thing to do. If I would just be quiet, the whole thing would be blame to my best bud. It would just hurt me and make me so much guilty. His friends should know that I am the one who is behind this. ~.~