This is it!!! I’m now a third year high school student from Cavite National Science High School. I know that this would be another start of something really new. Since I was a first year student, some of my schoolmates who were on the higher years were always saying that the 3rd year level is the most difficult year aside form being a freshman.
The moment I woke up, I was already on hurry. I quickly ate my breakfast, took a bath and fix everything for the first day of school. I was accompanied by my mother because my service arrived already but I am still taking a bath. When I looked at the clock it was already 6:30 and I was thinking that maybe I’m already late and the flag ceremony was already starting. When I arrived at the school, all the students were already on the court and about to start the flag ceremony. I ran to our platoon before it starts. My first day in school was fun. Unluckily, it was very hot in our room. That night, I got head ache and stayed in my Grandma’s house for dinner. The next two days, we had our diagnostic test and the election of class officers,where I was elected as one of the board members,and club organizations. I joined YEC and Kabayani Club where I was elected as the muse for year level. This Thursday morning, my father left for wok in Europe. I was not able to come with them to the airport because of school. I cried the whole night and morning because of that. I really wanted to come with them to see my father before he left the country. And that afternoon, I don’t know what really happened the very moment I suddenly fell down the stairs about 3 steps. I was very lucky because Lorena was there in front of me. If she was not there, I maybe have broken my arm, or even worst than that.
It’s a freaky week for me! Meeting those new teachers and having a different batch of classmates was very exciting. Whenever we would use the comfort room we need to go down and go to the Chemistry lab which is very hard for us. I’m expecting for a lot more new things that I would be experiencing within this year.
More difficult things and challenges to face and no more laziness! For this year, I should aim high!!
haha!! mas mganda blog ko sau!! i mean ung theme! hehe..n_n
Nice blog.... your very creative ha... by the way tnx for the comment... keep it up...
Your blog is so cute... I'm a bit jealous... Hope to see your blog next week... And, if ever, please help me make my blog as cute as yours... By the way, I enjoyed reading your blog... It is really interresting... geeneilee mae s. cayas
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